How do I use folders to organize my videos?

Creating a new folder

1. Navigate to the Your Videos page from the Home page. 

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2. Click on the New Folder button. 

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3. Type in the name of the new folder and click Create.

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4. The new folder is empty after creation and will appear on your list with other folders - follow the next set of steps to add videos to the folder.

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Moving videos to a folder

1. Select the videos you wish to move to a folder from your video list, right-click on one of the videos, and select Move to.

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2. Select a folder from the list and click Copy Here.

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Drag and drop videos to a folder

1. Click and hold the video you want to drag to a folder. The video will be highlighted blue when selected. 

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2. A thumbnail of the video will appear where it can be dragged to the desired folder. 

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Please note: Users cannot drag and drop videos into the Shared With You folder. 

Renaming a folder

1. Select the folder you wish to rename from your video list.

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2. Right-click and then select Rename.Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 1.38.05 PM.png

3. Type in the new folder name and click Save.

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Deleting a folder

1. Select a folder from your video list.

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2. Right-click and then select Delete.

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3. Click Delete to confirm your selection. Please note: folders are not recoverable and this action is irreversible. The videos from the folders will appear in the trash where you can recover them. 


Creating a new folder while moving videos

1. After selecting Move to once videos have been selected, you will have the option to create a new folder. Select New Folder at the bottom left of the pop up window.

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2. A space above the other folders will appear where you can input the folder name. Once a name is provided, hit Enter on your keyboard.

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3. Your folder will appear in the below list. Select the folder and click Move Here

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4. The selected videos will appear in the newly created folder.

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