Is there an option to bulk select all videos in a folder?

Users have the ability to select all items in a folder, allowing for easier bulk action as opposed to selecting each individual video. Read on to find out more about how bulk select functions:

1. When the “All items” checkbox is clicked at the top of the video list, it will select the all of the currently loaded videos and a blue checkmark will appear Blue_Check.PNG. 

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 3.45.12 PM.png

2. If there are more than 20 videos in a folder, scrolling down on the screen will load more. Once more videos are loaded, the checkbox will change from the blue check mark to a blue line, indicating that some but not all items are selected Indeterminate_check.PNG.

3. If you need to select all of the videos and your folder has more than 20, scroll the screen to the bottom to load all the items, then click on the “All items” checkbox once all items in the folder have been loaded, and you should see the blue check Blue_Check.PNG.

4. A blank checkbox indicates that no items are selected Empty_check.PNG.

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 3.44.52 PM.png



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