Share Video as Template

Share as Template is a sharing feature available to Vyond for Agency users. This feature allows users to send an editable copy of a Vyond video project to another separate Vyond account. 


Choose the Share as Template option under the video sharing settings: 

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 1.13.07 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 1.16.27 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 1.19.11 PM.png

Share the link directly with another Vyond user. When the link is followed, a copy of the video will be added to the account of the user that opens it. The intended recipient will receive the following message when the video has been successfully added. 

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 1.23.13 PM.png


  • The person must have an active Vyond subscription in order to access the video copy.
  • They must be logged into their Vyond account when accessing the link
  • The link will only COPY the video, any edits the link recipient makes will not be reflected in the original video
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